The 9th Meeting of the Thailand - Cambodia Joint Commission for Bilateral Cooperation

The 9th Meeting of the Thailand - Cambodia Joint Commission for Bilateral Cooperation

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 28 ม.ค. 2558

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 29 พ.ย. 2565

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On 15 - 16 January 2015, at the invitation of H.E. Mr. Hor Namhong, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Cambodia, H.E. General Tanasak Patimapragorn, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Thailand visited Siem Reap province, the Kingdom of Cambodia and co-chaired the 9th Meeting of the Thailand - Cambodia Joint Commission for Bilateral Cooperation.

The Meeting expressed satisfaction over the progress of the Thailand - Cambodia bilateral relations. The two countries have been able to develop good understanding and extend goodwill towards each other. The two sides are also committed to stepping up their relations and cooperation in all important areas.

In the political and security aspect, the two sides are pleased that security agencies along the borders have been able to foster close cooperation.  Nevertheless, the two sides recognised that there is an urgent need to address the problem of illegal logging along the border areas and agreed to utilise the national committee that has been set up as the mechanism to jointly discuss the guideline, modality and procedures of their coordination, including an action plan on the prevention, deterrence and legal procedures and punishment of offenders, as well as the coordinated patrol and enhanced coordination in the investigation by the authorities concerned of the country in which an incident has taken place involving injury and the loss of lives. Cambodia will host the first meeting of this national committee at the earliest opportunity.

In the economic aspect, both sides are pleased with the growing trade, investment and tourism. To further increase trade and investment, the negotiation on the Agreement on Avoidance of Double Taxation will commence soon. Moreover, the Thai side has invited Cambodian businesses, both public and private, to consider utilising Thai capital market as fund mobilising source, in order to promote and support economic growth in Cambodia.

Both sides attach high importance to border area development with an aim to turn the areas into that of peace and prosperity. One of the strategic policies discussed was the development of special economic zones along the border areas in Banteay Meanchey-Sa Kaeo provinces and Koh Kong-Trat provinces. The two sides discussed extensively areas of cooperation and action plan. They also agreed to expedite their internal processes to upgrade four checkpoints to international border points of entry. Both sides agreed to utilise the Joint Committee on Border Area Development and Connectivity as much as possible to achieve these targets.

The two sides agreed to encourage the Joint Technical Committee (JTC) to resume talk on the Thai - Cambodian Overlapping Maritime Area in the Gulf of Thailand in accordance with MoU between the Royal Thai Government and Royal Government of Cambodia in 2001 and international law.

Moreover, the Thai side expressed readiness to continue social and cultural projects, in healthcare, education, and development of labour skills in Cambodia. These projects are aimed to strengthen local communities, enhance the living standards along the border areas in a sustainable manner, and reduce transnational crimes and strengthen bilateral relations in the long run.

At the regional level, both sides also placed great importance on the development of regional connectivity, especially the construction of different routes in the region and the construction of railway between Aranyaprathet and Poi Pet.  Furthermore, the two sides also updated each other on the progress of the planned development of the new border checkpoint at Ban Nong Ian - Stung Bot and its infrastructure and agreed to expedite their realisation.

They hoped that the increased connectivity and transport networks will subsequently help support mutual economic growth and people to people interaction in support of the launch of the ASEAN Community this year.

The Meeting agreed to organise a series of events to celebrate the 65th Anniversary of the Thai and Cambodian diplomatic relations in 2015 and tasked their authorities concerned to discuss a programme of events.

The Meeting was conducted in a warm and friendly manner. Both sides took the opportunity to discuss ways to further enhance cooperation in all areas with the aim to arrive at a tangible outcome for the mutual benefits of the two countries, peoples, and the region.

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17 January 2015


