Announcement of the Office of the Higher Education Commission, Thailand on the Awardees of the 2012 Thailand On-Place Scholarships under the ASEA-UNINET (Asian-European Academic University Partnership Network) Programme for Cambodia and Lao PDR

Announcement of the Office of the Higher Education Commission, Thailand on the Awardees of the 2012 Thailand On-Place Scholarships under the ASEA-UNINET (Asian-European Academic University Partnership Network) Programme for Cambodia and Lao PDR

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 3 ก.ค. 2555

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 24 พ.ย. 2565

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Announcement of the Office of the Higher Education Commission, Thailand on the Awardees of the 2012 Thailand On-Place Scholarships under the ASEA-UNINET (Asian-European Academic University Partnership Network) Programme for Cambodia and Lao PDR



Pursuing to the interviews of the candidates for 2012 ASEA-UNINET Thailand On-Place Scholarships conducted by the Thai-Austrian Committee on May 17, 2012 at the Royal Thai Embassy in Vientiane, and on May 18, 2012 at the Royal Thai Embassy in Phnom Penh, the Office of the Higher Education Commission, Ministry of Education, Thailand, in cooperation with the ASEA-UNINET Austria and Thai Higher education institutions, would like to announce the awardees for Thailand On-Place Scholarships under the ASEA-UNINET Programme for academic year 2012 as follows:  click for open attach documnet


Name-Surname                      Nationality                Field of Study                        Thai Host University 

Mr. Arounyadeth Srithirath      Laos                        Computer Science                   Khon Kaen University 


Mr. Chhe Sovannarith             Cambodian          Food Science and Technology        Kasetsart University

Mr. Chhaily Moun                   Cambodian          Software Systems Engineering    Kingmongkut's University

                                                                                                             of Technology North Bangkok

Ms. Chhun Sothyreak              Cambodian          Environmental Engineering         Prince of Songkla University

Mr. Heang Sotheara                Cambodian          Economics                               Chiang Mai University

Mr. Prum Sitdeth                    Cambodian          Civil Engineering            Suranaree University of Technology 

Mr. Sariem Panha                    Cambodian          Civil Engineering            Khon Kaen University



Name-Surname                      Nationality                Field of Study                        Thai Host University 

1. Mr. Bounkhon Thanavanh      Laos                 Software Systerms Engineering  King Mongkut's University 



                                                                                                          of Technology North Bangkok

2. Ms. Vong Runny              Cambodian             Economics                               Chaing Mai University

3. Mr. Rith Ravin                  Cambodian             Civil Engineerings                     Prince of Songkla University
